
New Life India – Cryopreservation

New Life India has the service of high quality Cryopreservation on offer for the intending parents when after the creation of embryos through in vitro fertilization technology (IVF) there is no immediate requirement to transfer them to the surrogate mother’s uterus.

It is perfectly possible to freeze high quality embryos till blastocyst stage in a strictly monitored laboratory environment. The embryos thrive well for long periods dipped inside liquid nitrogen and later on can be brought to normal temperature before insertion inside the surrogate mother’s uterus. However, with frozen embryos in use the rates of successful pregnancy are not as high as freshly produced IVF embryos. But the procedure for embryo transfer is much easy to execute. Frozen embryo transfer is less costly as well. Embryos that last till the blastocyst stage must be selected for cryopreservation and it increases the probability of a successful pregnancy in a thaw cycle.

New Life India guarantees the customers that their embryos would be safe and secured like money in a bank vault wherever they might be residing. Our facilities for embryo cryopreservation are excellent and can beat any similar storage arrangements offered by other international embryo preservation clinics and laboratories. Embryo cryopreservation is helpful for embryos which are left over after completion of the cycle of In-vitro fertilization and parents having met with pregnancy failures before have a bigger chance of becoming pregnant with frozen embryos without having to experience a full IVF cycle. If pregnancy has already started, cryopreserved embryos can be stored for the future use resulting in subsequent pregnancies. Spare embryos produced through IVF in New Life India may be utilized for donation to another couple and these embryos may be cryopreserved for later use.

Cryopreservation of embryos is actually a part of In-vitro fertilization including ovarian hyper stimulation, egg retrieval and embryo transmission. It will be better to perform ovarian stimulation by using a GnRH rather than using human chorionic gonadotropin for the eventual embryo maturation. This is so because the risk of ovarian hyper stimulation syndrome is more with human chorionic gonadotropin.

The chief procedure for embryo cryopreservation is vitrification, which is far better than slow programmable freezing when rates of embryo survival and implantation are taken into consideration. In New Life India, we have records which reveal embryos cryopreserved early and implanted inside the surrogate mother’s uterus have an equal chance of initiating pregnancy when compared with fresh embryos. In the Indian context, embryo cryopreservation is perfectly legal without any social issues or litigation.